Why it is Important to use Fabric Protector for Upholstery

Your upholstery furniture can undergo daily wear even after a professional service. Through a professional upholstery cleaning service, you can just improve the longevity of your furniture, but cannot keep them away from everyday spills and splatters. It is, therefore, necessary that you give proper protection from these everyday accidents.

Apart from annual cleaning from professional upholstery cleaners, your upholstery furniture should be treated with top-quality fabric protector. There are many benefits associated with this practice and here’s a list of them.

Protects against Oil & Water-based Stains

It happens every day. No matter how careful you try to be, it’s inevitable to protect your upholstery furniture from frequent soiling and staining. It’s not possible to deep clean your upholstery furniture every day, especially if you have pets and kids. They can easily make the surface dirtier with their activities. From time to time you’ll be dealing with oily food spills and other water-based stains, which is tougher to deal in the later stages.

When you apply fabric protector on your upholstery furniture, you’ll create a protective cover that provides resistance against such daily soiling and stains. Even if there is a spill, you can easily deal with the mess without much effort.

Improved Durability & Protection

Normally, a food spill can set in if it’s not cleaned in the earlier stages. You have to be quick and do spot cleaning or call professional upholstery cleaners if the stain is old and stubborn.

The surface may appear clean, but cleaning repeatedly would only do more damage to the surface and can impact the longevity of the fabric. Applying fabric protector, you can keep your upholstery stain-free. Even if there is a spill, the protective layer does not let the stain to set-in. And hence there will be little work for you and lesser damage to the fabric.

Makes It Easier to Clean the Spills

The fabric protector acts similar to a plastic sheet that is normally used over new furniture.

It’s obvious you cannot keep the cover for long; however, by using fabric protector you’ll give the same grade of protection as that of a cover. Your reclining chair or the love seat will be easier to manage. The fabric protector will keep the spill from setting in and allow you to clean the mess in less time.

Upholstery Will Stay Cleaner Longer

Normally, water-based stains do not appear until it collects with dust. It’s possible you can clean the spot even with simple DIY procedures.

Even if you clean the spills promptly, the quality of fabric may experience wear and tear in terms of its lifespan. When you use a fabric protector, it makes the stain manageable. Your furniture will stay resistant to everyday dirt and stay cleaner for a longer time.

Sometimes treating a stain or spill can be tricky when you are cleaning all by yourself. You may end up doing more damage than good. The right way to deal with the situation is to apply the fabric protector and shield your furniture from everyday soiling.

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